Couples Night in Cotacachi

Last evening we held a couples' dinner at the Cotacachi church.  We began with a word unscrambler for couples with the message "We need more love, more patience and more of God in our marriage," of course, in Spanish.

 The two couples on the right were the fastest to unscramble.

Then three men had to explain to their wives how to form a figure out of Duplos.  The men could see the figure but the wives could not.

It made for an interesting time.

 The couple in the middle, Surley and Alfonso, won the competition.

Then all the wives had to introduce their husbands, including Anita and Hector

and Alicia and Alejandro.

We ate and then had a wonderful talk.

The speaker was fellow Liebenzell missionary Daniel.

The evening ended with a romantic musical selection by the worship team of Amigos en Cristo church.


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