First Annual Missionsfest

August 31, 2014, marked the first annual Mission Liebenzell of Ecuador Missionsfest.  MLE President Diego Galarza welcomed the attendees.

Andrea, Oscar, Hugo et al led the worship team.

The enthusiastic attendees joined in singing songs of praise to the God of world missions.

Rainer introduced the Schuckert family, serving as Liebenzell missionaries in Japan.

From left to right, Levi, Sabine, Tim, Nela and Tobias Schuckert, with Ecuador field leader Rainer.

Tim shared a Japanese Bible verse complete with Japanese characters.  "God is love," 1 John 4:8.
 Then Josué, Sabine, and Tobías presented a skit showing the foibles of an Ecuadorian missionary in Japan.

Pastor Cipriano and his congregation from Ricaurte shared 2 special numbers.

Daniel presented a video that related the history of Liebenzell Mission.

Then the folks from Chirihuasi shared some good Christian music in folkloric style.

Elías and Jacob were busy playing with their cousin Cloe.


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