Carnaval at the Farnsworths/Carnaval con los Farnsworth

The days of "Carnaval" are the days right before lent begins.  Here in Ecuador the people play water games before things "calm down" during lent.  We Farnsworths joined in the fun with our home school helper Isabel from Germany, getting soaked for a fun afternoon.  Marisol took the pictures this time.  

Amelia is prepared to shoot water, but not at the camera.

Isabel, Jacob and Joel get ready.

Elías fills his water pistol in the plastic pool.  He calls it his "boat".

Jacob ready for action.  Please note the smile.

Amelia and Joel: armed and dangerous!

Isabel shoots back.

Joel refills.

What is a water pistol against a bucket of water?

Daddys instructs Jacob on how to throw a water balloon.

Elías has his stash of balloons ready.  Note the mischievous look on his face!

 Joel, up to no-good.

No mercy from Joel!

Catching the water balloon in mid air.  Looks like magic!

 Amelia and Elías take a break from the action.

Isabel tries, unsuccessfully, to get away.

Joel demonstrates the fine art of tying water balloons.

I was picking up water balloon trash. . . .

. . .when Joel took me by surprise.

Back to my post, a little wetter and cooler.

The ending to a FUN afternoon!


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