Joel el Buen Siervo

We are proud of Joel for his successful completion of the first part of a discipleship course at our church.  The course is called el Buen Siervo (the Good Servant) and comes in different parts.  This course is required for serving in any church ministry and also for church membership.  It outlines the basic doctrines of the Bible and also includes evangelism, homiletics and service in the upper levels.

Here is a smiling Joel with his diploma.  Part 2 begins tomorrow morning.  Each level lasts 12 weeks and is taught in one-hour sessions between the 8 and 11 o´clock services.  There are also homework assignments for each day of the week, and Joel faithfully completes them each day, even if it means going to bed late or getting up early to do them.  Way to go, Joel!


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