Trip to Rio Verde

Joel recently spent a few days on the edge of the rainforest with some of our missionary colleagues in Rio Verde, near Lita, about two hours away from Ibarra.  Our friends minister to the Awa people.  We saw some beautiful sights on our way to pick him up.  Thank God for 4 wheel drive!

Here is Kevin Bruce with some Awa.  The man on the left is Paulino, the first known Christian among the Awa.  He came to the Lord through the first Liebenzell missionary in Ecuador, George Hege, in the late 1980s.  It was so good to see him again.  He and his brother serve as elders in the Awa church and are growing in the Lord.

Amelia helped one of the girls make a necklace from beads.

These are pictures of the missionaries' houses.

The kids enjoyed seeing the baby bunnies.

Lots of bunny pictures.  Sorry if I overdid!

Joel running up the hill.

"Baby" chickens!

Marisol enjoyed her visit with Chrissy, one of the missionary wives.

This is Chrissy's washing "machine!"  They work so hard to live among the people they serve.

Baby ducks with the dog as a bodyguard.  HA!  Joel really enjoyed his visit and wants to return again, maybe with Amelia next time.


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