Mom Health Update

Thanks so much for all the prayers.  Every time I talk to Mom and Dad they comment about what a blessing it is that so many people around the world are praying for them.  Mom spent about a week in the hospital gaining strength before gaining enough strength to return home.  The doctors determined that Mom contracted two viruses from a deer tick: lyme disease and babesiosis.  She is taking a strong dose of antibiotics for one month, which seems to be working well.  Please keep praying for Mom and Dad as they work through this challenge.  I thank God for the caregiving work of my siblings (Heidi, Laura and Mark) and my aunt and uncle (Jeanne and Dave) and the concern of Exeter Bible Church and Bethany Baptist Church members.  Muchas gracias.  That means a lot to me since I am too far away (in Ecuador) to help them personally at this time.


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