These are random pictures taken on moving day, our tenth move in less than ten years of marriage, back in June.
 Elias and Jacob waiting patiently.  In this picture they almost look identical.
 We went to Marisol's parents' house where they allowed us to store our belongings for many years.  Here we are with Senora Virginia, a longtime family friend.
 Enrique Jr. (Marisol's uncle) and Enrique Sr. (Marisol's grandfather) helped us unload the truck.
 Joel helped his Ecuadorian grandfather (Abuelito Wilson) put together our master bed.
 Amelia and her cousin Zoe at the last breakfast of our previous house.
 Loading our stuff.  Our niece Cloe is peeking at the camera.
 One of Elias' last pictures at our previous house.
 Abuelita Zulema (Marisol's mom) with Cloe
 Our friend Imelda with Elias.
 Our friend Cesar with Elias.  Look at Elias' expression of happiness.  Cesar's too!
 Walking back to our house from the truck for one last item.  Marisol's dad Wilson wonders what I am up to.
 Cesar with Jacob.
 Relaxing in the new house.
 Wilson getting the mattress to the third floor the "easy" way.
 Wilo and Wilson getting a shelf up to the third floor.
Joel, Amelia, Cloe and Carolina (with one of the babies, not sure which) enjoy the swingset all our new house.

We're glad to be almost settled in by August 18, 2012.


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