Photo Feast

In June we moved to a house that is closer to Ned's work and our church (located in the same building).  Now we can walk there, save gas, and get exercise to boot.
We have enjoyed working with the German Impact team this past year.  They will return to Germany in a couple weeks and held a party for their friends last night.  Here is Micha chatting with Marisol.
Another Impact team member, Johanna, holding Jacob.
Amelia with her friend Benjamin at church.  He is such a nice boy.  We thank God for good friends for our children.
Jacob is all smiles after his bath on Saturday.
Elias was smiling, too, but not for Daddy's camera!
Marisol and Joel acting crazy.
Ned and Amelia have fun, too!
Jacob and Marisol's cousin Washo
Elias and big brother Joel


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