Farnsworth Family Forum October/November 2011

As we write this update, we celebrate two months of living in Ecuador. Thank you for all your prayers! This morning we woke up to beautiful snow-covered mountain peaks. Joel and Amelia ran up to the roof to see the mountains. The rainy season has arrived!

Marisol’s pregnancy progresses well. Baby A and Baby B (so named by the ultrasound technicians) are set to arrive around February 23, the due date. All of us await the day with great anticipation and can hardly wait. Please pray that Marisol be comfortable and able to rest at night so to have the energy needed for home school and other responsibilities. We also need to find a place to stay in Quito (the capital) near the hospital when the babies come and a car big enough for our quickly growing family.

Joel and Amelia are adjusting well to their new country and home. Their Spanish improves every day. Awana (Oansa in Spanish) began at church last week. Pray that they find good friends at Oansa and Sunday School. We are looking for a swimming pool so they can continue their classes and practice. Both of them have fallen in love with Marisol’s family, which gives us great joy as their parents. Above you can see a pictures of us with Marisol’s parents Zulema and Wilson. Recently we visited a volcanic lagoon (Cuicocha) with them.

Ned is busy, trying to organize his time and keep the ministry of Radio Punto and the teaching facility of Miami International Seminary moving forward. The next seminary class is scheduled for October 29. Pray that he can balance his ministry time well and also help Marisol at home and spend time with Joel and Amelia. He teaches the home school classes on Monday, his day off.

Thank you very much for making this Ecuadorian journey possible. Pray that we can be a blessing to the people of Ecuador. We send you much love from South America!

Personal Correspondence: Correo Central, Casilla 10-01-692, Ibarra, ECUADOR, Tel. 01159362601067, Skype: nedandmarisolf, Email: nedfarnsworth@hotmail.com.

Mission Address: Liebenzell Mission USA, P.O. Box 66, Schooley’s Mountain, NJ 07870-0066, Tel. 908-852-3044. Online contributions: www.liebenzellusa.org


Jen said…
We are so excited for you guys- wonderful updates!
Thanks, Jen. You are such a SWEETHEART. Hope it works out to see you next year!

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