"Lift up Your Eyes and Look at the Fields"

We spent a delightful week at the Exeter Bible Church World Missions Conference. The theme, taken from John 4:35, "Lift up your eyes and look at the fields," challenged all of us to join in the task of sharing the gospel with all the nations.
Our family shared the ministry of PIU in Guam through pictures and stories in the classes of Berks Christian School by day.

Joel and Amelia helped with the Power Point presentations. Marisol had the idea of using the seven days of creations and pictures from Guam for our time with the elementary school students.

The first grade class sang a creation song for us.

For the elementary chapel we showed the ministry in Guam through the eyes of Joel and Amelia as missionary kids.

They sang a lovely rendition of "The Guam Hymn."

We attended the secondary chapel complete with a visit from Aaron the High Priest.

Afterwards we couldn't resist asking for a picture with him. How often does an opportunity like that present itself?

Every day we enjoyed lunch with the EBC pastoral staff and the other missionaries.
It was a delight to get to know Julie and Dave, missionaries in Asia.

On Wednesday Marisol and Amelia participated in the Ladies Tea. . .

. . .and Joel helped me with two class presentations. It was a joy to see our kids help with various tasks during the week.

Steve and Sharon, former New Tribes missionaries in Venezuela until President Hugo Chavez expelled all tribal missionaries, coordinate their mission's Wayumi program, which is an exciting, interactive introduction to tribal work, in Jersey Shore, PA. For more information, go to www.wayumi.com.

We ate a delicious lunch at the Cracker Barrel. The kids enjoyed the mini rocking chairs outside.
The church treated us to a wonderful production of Joseph at Sight and Sound. We rode in the van with Joel and Laura, the youth pastor and his wife and parents of six-month-old triplets!

Grandma and Grandpa were present for all of the meetings. We tried to sit with them, whenever possible.
Of course, we needed to pose with the Guam flag, and we used the ever-present peace sign from Asia.

Stacey, one of the missions committee members and my friend since childhood, certainly endeared herself to Marisol, Joel and Amelia. It was a blessing to have time to spend with her. Thanks for the chocolate chip cookie. You are the best!
Annabel and her husband work in Europe, reaching out to men and women from the Middle East.
We spent much time with our friend Marcia. She runs an organization called Christian Answers for the New Age, including a website with a treasure trove of articles and other information. Check it out at http://www.christiananswersforthenewage.org/. I promise you that you won't be disappointed.

Joel and Amelia loved having time on the school playground. Notice the matching outfits courtesy of our friend Juliet in Guam.
It was a wonderful week. Many thanks to Exeter Bible Church, especially the Missions Committee, for such a blessing.


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