A Long Time

So much has happened in the couple months that we have been back in PA after four years in Guam. We're just now getting settled in our new place that has wireless internet, so I'll post more later (I know, you've heard that promise before). Now that it's easier and more convenient. Thanks for your prayers for us as we are adjusting to a new life here during our home ministry assignment.

We traveled to Ocean City, NJ, to see my brother-in-law's group, Glad, in concert. It was great to catch up with him and my sister Heidi, pictured here with Joel and Amelia. We also enjoyed being at the ocean again, although I would have to admit that the Jersey shore is much different than Guam.

My sister Laura and Cole and Erin visited us in July. Joel and Amelia enjoyed reconnecting with their cousins. They really didn't remember them from our last visit here during the summer of 2007.
We went camping at Rickett's Glen State Park (Benton, PA) the first week of August with Grandpa and Grandma and my brother Mark's family (wife Sherry and kids Lauren, Emily, Luke, Abby, and John). We had a grand time, even a visit from a bear who made off with some of our food one night.
Being with family has been one of the BIG blessings of our furlough. Some of the other things haven't been quite so easy. God's grace is sufficient, though, to get us through all of these hoops in life. Thanks for your support during this process.


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