The Pacific Islands Dispatch June 2010
Although we truly believe in our hearts that this is God’s will for our family, I feel a surge of deep sadness at the thought of leaving the ministry of Pacific Islands University and our friends. We have spent four years here. I realized the other day that I have lived almost 10% of my life in Guam, Marisol more than 10%, and Guam is really the only home that Joel and Amelia remember. Moving on is not easy.
Please pray with us for the following things:
1. That God will help us through this BIG change with grace and patience.
2. That Joel and Amelia will be able to make new friends in the USA.
3. That God will continue to work in the life of Davy, a young man that Ned mentored during the spring semester.
4. That God will guide the PIU staff as they prepare for the 2010-11 school year.
5. That God will provide the increased financial support that we will be seeking during our furlough.
6. That God will smoothly pave the way for our return to Ecuador.
7. That we will seize opportunities to share our faith with others.
Thank you for your prayers and support. We appreciate you very much.
With love,
Ned, Marisol, Joel and Amelia Farnsworth
Mission Address: Liebenzell Mission USA, PO Box 66, Schooley’s Mountain NJ 07870-0066
Mailing Address (after June 30): 861 Schoffers Rd, Birdsboro PA 19508-9464, 610-582-8046,,