A Job Well Done

We had a group of 7 male and 1 female student who stayed on campus during the Christmas break to work. One night during a storm a tree fell down in the yard of one of the dorms. I wish I had a picture of the tree in the yard right after it fell. Definitely an ominous presence. The guys had an extra job to do which they hadn't planned on.

They did an excellent job of taking care of it right away. In this picture you can see Gary, Judson (with ax in hand), Mamu, and Erten (far right). Don't miss Rusty in the tree in the background chopping off branches with a machete.

Judson and Leeman helped carry off part of the trunk.

Now the job is nearly done.

Earlier in the break they repaired the dock of the Student Study Center, and brilliantly I might add. Kudos to all the student workers, and thanks for your faithful labor!


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