We are enjoying our time with our Pacific Islands University group, a group of students and staff families for fellowship, fun, and mutual encouragement.

At our first meeting Keke helped to entertain Amelia and Joel, and even Marisol.

Glend's smile is definitely contagious!

Last night May and Tony hosted our group's Italian Night at their house. Joses, May, Marisol and Amelia enjoyed the spaghetti, lasagna, and salad.

Kinamwe, Fred, Keke, and Tyleen enjoyed their reunion with a stray dog that used to live on campus. May and Tony adopted Mika the big black dog.

Doralynn, Joses and Alicia posed with Joel before watched "Ice Age."

At the end of the night Kinamwe and Judson showed their enthusiasm for our group meeting. Kinamwe is part of another group but joined us for our Italian Night.