Pacific Islands Dispatch September 2009
Pacific Islands Bible College officially became Pacific Islands University on July 1. This reflects the expansion of the institution with a seminary degree and plans for a liberal arts Christian college. Currently Ned is teaching two on-campus courses (Ministry Introduction and Introduction to World Missions) as well as the Evangelism course at Guam Department of Corrections (prison). Please pray for his DOC students Cezar, Isidro, Jay, and Jesse. Teaching three classes provides quite a stretch for Ned as he balances other PIU tasks and family and church responsibilities. Please pray for his weekly class preparations.
Joel celebrated his sixth birthday and kindergarten graduation on July 11. Surrounded by good friends and “family,” we marveled at God’s goodness and Joel’s accomplishments. He enjoyed wearing his red gown and reading a poem called “Growing.” Pray for Joel as he continues to grow, learn, and serve Jesus.
In early August we resumed home school for a second year. Marisol continues to teach Joel (first grade) and Amelia (K3) on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, and Ned teaches the other days. Joel looks forward to his swimming lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays and also takes piano lessons with Daddy. We cherish this time with our children. Pray that we will be good teachers and parents to them.
September 9 marked the beginning of the new Awana year at Bayview Church. Joel is a second-year Sparky and Amelia a first-year Cubbie. She feels like “a big girl” now and likes to memorize her memory verses. Marisol serves in the nursery and Ned in Cubbies. Please pray for all of us as we participate in this ministry.
We ask for special prayer for Marisol’s driving test on December 18, 2009, at 9:45 am.
Please continue to pray for housing for us in the Berks County, PA, area for our furlough next year.
In these troubling economic times we thank you for your faithful support, prayers, and friendship. The Lord has continued to meet all of our needs each month through your gifts and love. God bless you.
In these troubling economic times we thank you for your faithful support, prayers, and friendship. The Lord has continued to meet all of our needs each month through your gifts and love. God bless you.