Amelia's Grand Adventure

This morning Amelia and I headed to the Guam International Airport to pick up our friends Hartmut and Urte returning from Germany. Even though it was an early hour, 3:30 am, Amelia said that she wanted to join me. Since it was pouring rain, I was especially glad for her company. When we arrived at the airport, we had a little bit of time before their arrival.

Amelia wanted to have her picture taken next to a model of the largest reported fish to be caught on Guam (1,153 pounds).
Amelia also posed next to an outrigger canoe on display.
Soon enough Urte and Hartmut arrived. They said it was such a pleasant surprise that Amelia joined me on my jaunt to the airport. We headed through the rain out to the car. Amelia's Grand Adventure was soon to be over.


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