Memories of USA

Here are some pictures from our last trip to the USA in summer 2007. Hope you enjoy a quick trip down Memory Lane.

Grandma had put some snowballs in the freezer for Joel and Amelia to play with. They enjoyed playing with snow very much, something we don't have in Guam.

We spent a morning at the Exeter Community Park with my sister Laura and her children Cole and Erin.

Grandma posed with her sister Jeanne.

I love this picture of Uncle Dave with Amelia and Joel on the swing on his front porch.

Binnelly is a longtime member of our hispanic church in Reading, PA.

Here I stand with mis hermanos Carlos, Homero, Cesar and Emilio from Iglesia Bautista Betania, Reading, PA.

Cole and Joel horsed around in my parents' tent.

Marisol's former English teacher from Motivated Moms, Miss Dorothy, took us out to eat one afternoon. Please pray for her; her husband Neil suffered a stroke last year.

We were very glad to spend time with Hermana Teresa. I call her mi mamá puertorriqueña.

Joel showed one of our dear friends, Mrs. Betty, the Power Point presentation about Guam.

Mr. Floyd and Mrs. Arlene are more close friends of the family from Exeter Bible Church.

Amelia and Joel visited the seven dwarves at Melissa's parents' house in Muhlenberg.

Times spent with cousins is a cherished memory. It's one of the down sides of mission work to be far away from family.

Joel plays tag with Abby and Luke, my brother Mark's children.

We also spent a day with them at the river. Here are Luke, Joel, Emily and Lauren. . .

. . .waiting to watch Mark and me jump off the railroad bridge. I couldn't let my older brother outdo me, could I?

We visited my college pal Bill and his mother and sister Elizabeth in Dillsburg, PA.

Amelia began her obsession with cars which continues to this day.

Joel and Amelia play with their friends Nathan, Joel and Kathryn. They were our neighbors when we lived at Twin Valley Bible Chapel in Narvon, PA.

I have one great aunt left, Auntie Ann, and she is great. You never leave her house with empty hands.

Joel and Erin loved being together at Knoebel's Grove amusement park. Holding hands with her all day, Joel later said (upon returning to Guam), "I really miss Erin."

Amelia enjoys a tender moment with Grandma at the Fourth of July picnic.

We took a picture in front of our church with our friends and supporters Domingo and Crucita.

Our pastor, Tony, is great with adults and kids alike, even babies. Just ask Amelia!

Danny took Joel and Amelia for a spin. I wonder if his driver's license is in order!!!

For our last picture down Memory Lane, I offer this one of Mark, Luke and Grandpa in the 1929 Model A Ford truck that he restored. He calls it the Gospel Chariot. It is very fun to take for a ride, albeit not very easy to drive. Quite a challenge for me, but I survived.


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