Marbo Cave

On Saturday our PIBC community group took an outing to Marbo Cave. We hiked from the parking lot down to the cave entrance.

Inside the cave is a natural swimming hole. Joel and Jeff were a big help in getting our kids to climb down the rocks to the water, but they decided not to swim themselves.

Joel was able to show off his swimming techniques to Chelsea and Maybelline. He navigated his way around the cave by kicking his legs. He was so pleased with himself.

Leeman took a break from holding his breath underwater for me to take this picture.
You can see how clear the water is in this picture of Marisol and Amelia with Urte.

The last part of the outing, other than the ride back to campus, was eating the food that our c0-worker Urte prepared for us. From left to right you can see Urte, Leeman, Maybelline, Chelsea, Stella and Joel. As you can see, we have two Joels in our group, our son and the student pictured here.


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