School Days

Most of you know that we are home schooling Joel for kindergarten this year. Although it takes a lot of planning, we are really enjoying this time that we can spend with Joel. We decided to use "Hooked on Kindergarten" for phonics, writing, and math. We supplement that curriculum with some different materials to round out history, gym, art, Bible, and science. We're all learning together, even Amelia. Marisol teaches on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and Ned teaches on Wednesday and Friday. We're in our fourth week already. So far, so good. Joel has already read his first two little books. Please continue to pray for us as it is a BIG endeavor! Thanks.

The other day Amelia helped by pushing the button to repeat the instructions for printing the capital "T." When Joel needed them repeated, Amelia's finger was ready to go.

Joel found it wonderful to have his little sister's help.


Elizabeth said…
It's a family affair! Glad it is going well and that even Amelia is in on the action.
Thanks for the encouragement. As with all "family affairs," there are good days and bad days. We're enjoying it very much.

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