Alumnus, Alumna, Alumni

Normally in conversation when a non-native English speaker says something wrong, I gently point out the error and encourage the person to correct. I understand from having learned Spanish how crucial it is to have people point out mistakes in your second language. Of course, in meetings I do not do this. A couple times in the past few weeks I have heard the plural "alumni" used for the singular "alumnus." "Alumnus" is the masculine form for someone who previously attended an educational institution. "Alumna" is the feminine form. "Alumni" is the plural form, whether masculine or feminine.

Stella is an alumna of PIBC. Now she works in the PIBC as a library assistant and Joel and Amelia love to go and borrow books from her. She also participated in the mission trip to Palau, and we enjoyed having her there. She's a good friend to our family, and we appreciate her.


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