Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Since we are not there to spend Valentine's Day with you in person, please enjoy this Valentine photo collage. We appreciate you and love you very much. Thanks for your prayers and friendship. We couldn't do what we do with you.

Joel is making a heart mobile for his AWANA Club project. It turned out really nicely. He likes doing crafts.

Amelia is trying her hand at homemade Valentines. Look at the intent expression on her face!

Joel took this picture of Amelia, Marisol, and Ned.

Here we are posing for a picture in our old living room at PIBC, now a staff lounge. Joel and Amelia made valentine Tshirts for themselves and for Daddy. What do you think? Maybe we should start a Tshirt design company.


Bill said…
Happy (waning in Guam - minutes to go?) Valentine's Day to the Farnsworth Family.

Valentine-making table looks like lots of fun.

Congrats to that fine photographer, Joel!

Love and Best Wishes from Atlanta.
Elizabeth said…
Happy Valentine's Day from PA! (Hope I'm not too late.)

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