Movin' on up

Here is a collage of pictures from our recent move. We moved today and had wonderful weather, a respite from all the rain we've been having. God is so good. Thanks for all of your prayers. The children seem to be happy in their new surroundings.

Amelia has kept us entertained with her everlasting cuteness. Sorry, Daddy Bragging going on here!
Amelia and Joel are checking out the new windows at the house where we now live.

The kids are sitting on Amelia's bed waiting for their parents to finish unpacking some things. They have been so patient throughout this whole process.

Joel has wanted to help move things. Amelia, too! Bless their little hearts.

We asked some of the guys to help us today to move the "BIG" things, like this sofa, for example. Thank to Mamu (from Bangladesh), Jonathan (Chuuk), Sonny (Yap), Benny (Marshall Islands), and Mark (Chuuk).

Jayvina is a good friend to Joel and Amelia and helped us today as well. She's also a great packer and unpacker.

Our first visitors in the new house were Johanna, Neinei, Paulynne, and Alicia. They helped us watch the kids and unpack some things. We feel very blessed by the PIBC community, both students and staff who has supported us through this change. Thanks, God!


Dave Owen said…
I really do appreciate your good attitude and flexibility in all this. I am praying that the house will be a blessing to you. Dave
Bill said…
congratulations on your successful move. the kids do look happy. How great to have so many helpers.
Elizabeth said…
The kids look happy and the house looks great. I hope you all are feeling at home and will be settled in soon. It looks like you have the blessing of wonderful friends! Happy Thanksgiving, if I don't check back in before then.
Thanks for all of your kind words. We love the new house and are settling in quite well. Maybe we could do a reality show called "Little House in the Tropics"!!!
hola NED and MARISOL espero esten bien sus amigos que siempre los recuerdan.



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