Life is a Classroom

Joey, one of two men who took the course, helps to read the teaching material. I was so blessed to have Joey and Oscar participate in the course because children need to see godly men teachers in the churches in Micronesia and around the world.

The participants compete to see which team can complete the puzzle of John 14:6 first! This team won.

Lindy reaches into the treasure box for her word from the Bible verse.

Joel plays with his Palauan friends Sammy, Ganya, and Micah.

I even had a song called "God on the Mountain" dedicated to me.

In January the Children's Ministry Director of Palau Evangelical Church of Guam asked me to conduct a teacher training class on Monday evenings. We began in January and explored various topics (How to Prepare Bible Lessons, How to Teach Bible Verses, Maintaining Good Classroom Discipline, Teaching Children to Pray, Leading Children to Christ) during the course of four months. I taught the theory and gave examples, and then PIBC student Joy Hosei led the participants in the practice lessons that they needed to prepare. Last Friday we held a final fellowship meal and graduation ceremony. 14 church members completed the course. They blessed me with their enthusiasm and desire to learn and apply what they discovered in their classes, teaching me so much about teaching within their cultural context. Thanks for a great experience.


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