Welcome to Farnsworth Forum

Hello there, and welcome to our blog which we had planned to do a few months ago. Hopefully the adage "Better late than never" also refers to blogging. We hope that you can regularly check in to see how we are doing. And please pray and keep us accountable to remain faithful in the wonderful world of blogging. Special thanks to our neighbor and friend Melissa Heck for taking the time to help us set this up. Hopefully I won't blow up the computer, if that is possible!!!! And we hope to also blog in Spanish in the near future. That will give Marisol an extra task, not that she needs anything more to keep her busy. Joel and Amelia do a great job at that!
The picture that we posted to inaugurate our site is from January. Melissa took it for us at the campus of our church, Bayview Baptist Church. The view is indeed a view of Agaña Bay and the crystal clear water Guam is known for. So please come and visit us. You are always welcome!!!


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