
Showing posts from October, 2012

Please pray for Ned's Mom

Please pray for Ned's mom, Marilyn Farnsworth, currently in the hospital in Reading, PA, with stroke-like symptoms.  No definitive diagnosis has been made, and she is undergoing tests.  It is difficult to be so far away at this time.  Pray for Ned's dad, Glennis, who is home alone during Marilyn's hospitalization.  Thank you for your help in prayer. Por favor oren por la madre de Ned, Marilyn Farnsworth durante su tiempo en el hospital en Reading, PA.  Oren que los doctores puedan determinar lo que tiene para poder tratarla de la mejor manera.  Oren por el padre de Ned, Glennis, solo en casa durante este tiempo.  Gracias por su ayuda en orar.

Farnsworth Family Forum Fall 2012

 More photos from the MINTS graduation/Mas fotos de la graduacion de MINTS   Greetings from Ibarra, Ecuador!   Thank you so much for your prayers.   Especially in these last few weeks we have seen the answers to specific prayers in our lives.   Jacob and Elias had not been sleeping well, and the past few nights they have been sleeping very well.   Home school with Joel and Amelia had been a particular challenge because our planned helper decided not to come to Ecuador.   However, school began running more smoothly since last week.   These may seem like small details to others, but to us these answers have been HUGE blessings.   Please keep praying for us to be good parents and teachers! At present Ned’s father Glennis is cancer free.   We appreciate your prayers.   The doctor detected cataracts in Marisol’s mother Zulema’s eye as well as a problem with her leg.   Both requ...

Final Guam Presentation

On Sunday we presented for probably the last time our Guam missionary presentation at the English service in Cotacachi.  We wore our matching outfits that our friend Juliet in Guam sewed for us.  The people really enjoyed the presentation (at least they said they did), especially Marisol's testimony and Joel and Amelia's singing.  Afterwards we went to Marisol's cousin Irma's house to eat with her and her family.  Marisol's cousin Sarita is holding Jacob above.  Both Jacob and Elias fell asleep from sheer exhaustion after a busy Sunday morning.

More swimming

Joel and Amelia continue to take swimming lessons three days a week.  They are really improving under the tutelage of their new coach Fernando.  I even swim laps some days while I'm at the pool with them, and yesterday Fernando wasn't there so I filled in as their instructor.  Joel said that he hoped Fernando was there today, and he was.  It's probably hard enough for him to have me as his (home) school teacher.

B.T. and A.T.

B.T. stands for "before tooth (came out)" and A.T. stands for "after tooth (came out)".  Amelia's smile is changing right before our eyes.  Stay tuned for another tooth report!


I have 22 students in my current MINTS seminary class, Eschatology (Doctrine of Future Events) including a former Roman Catholic priest  who has a real hunger to learn more about the Bible.  The most students that I have had in the past were 7.  Although this is a welcome improvement, it really keeps me hopping to grade all their assignments, tests and essays.  Please pray that I can keep up with everything.  Thanks.

Double Marisols

We have another Marisol in our house for a couple hours each day with household tasks and childcare while Marisol and I home school Joel and Amelia.  Here you can see both Marisols in action: Marisol Farnsworth with Elias and Marisol Andino with Jacob.